Dear Owner/Resident,
JIRA membership is free of charge.
JIRA Members:
are kept informed about issues affecting their property. (This information is not posted on the website)
are consulted about decisions that may affect the development
automatically receive Committee meeting minutes (~5 p.a.)
new members are brought up-to-date with current issues when they join.
Projects currently being progressed by the JIRA Committee include:
improving site security
improved CCTV coverage
unauthorised parking
bicycle security
internal and external redecoration
buildings insurance
TV/Satellite/Radio reception
Riverside open space
management fee and service level agreement
reserve fund
general site management issues
maintenance Charges
If you are a leaseholder or resident at Providence Square, Providence Tower or Springalls Wharf and would like to join the Residents' Association, please email Wendy Butler (wendybutler24@gmail.com) with your name and the first line of your address. Alternatively, you can download the membership form below.
Please return the form to the concierge at Providence Square in an envelope marked "JIRA Membership." Acknowledgement of receipt will be sent to your e-mail address. You can also email the completed application form to wendybutler24@gmail.com instead of taking it to the concierge.
Thank you for your support. We look forward to working on your behalf and hope to meet you at the next A.G.M, or one of our informal social evenings - more details on the Forum (registered users only)
Best Regards,
JIRA Chairman
Lewis Phillips, Providence Square
Jacob’s Island Residents’ Association Data Protection Policy
January 2019
1. About this Policy
1.1. This policy explains when and why we collect personal information about our members; how we use it; how we keep it secure and; your rights in relation to it.
1.2. We may collect, use and store your personal data, as described in this Data Protection Policy and as described when we ask for information from you.
1.3. We will advise you if we amend this Data Protection Policy. Amendments will not be made retrospectively.
1.4. We will always comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) when dealing with your personal data. Further details on the GDPR can be found at the website for the Information Commissioner (www.ico.gov.uk). For the purposes of the GDPR, we will be the “controller” of all personal data we hold about you.
2. Who are we?
2.1. We are Jacob’s Island Residents’ Association (“JIRA”). We can be contacted by emailing the JIRA Secretary at privacy@jira.org.uk
3. What information do we collect and why?
Type of information
Legal basis of processing
Members’ name, address, email address and telephone number.
For managing membership of JIRA.
For communicating with JIRA members.
For the purposes of our legitimate interests in operating JIRA.
4. How we protect your personal data
4.1. We will not transfer your personal data without your consent.
4.2. We have implemented generally accepted standards of technology and operational security in order to protect personal data from loss, misuse, or unauthorised alteration or destruction.
4.3. Please note however that where you are transmitting information to us over the internet this can never be guaranteed to be 100 percent secure.
4.4. We will notify you promptly in the event of any breach of your personal data which might expose you to serious risk.
5. Who else has access to the information you provide us?
5.1. We will never sell your personal data or share it with any third parties.
6. How long do we keep your information?
6.1. We will hold your personal data on our systems for as long as you are a member of JIRA.
6.2. We securely destroy all financial information once we no longer need it.
7. Your rights
7.1. You have rights under the GDPR: (a) to access your personal data (b) to be provided with information about how your personal data is processed (c) to have your personal data corrected (d) to have your personal data erased in certain circumstances (e) to object to or restrict how your personal data is processed (f) to have your personal data transferred to yourself or to another entity in certain circumstances.
7.2. You have the right to take any complaints about how we process your personal data to the Information Commissioner:
0303 123 1113
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF
1. The Association shall be known as the Jacob's Island Residents' Association.
2. The Association shall be non-party in politics and non-sectarian.
3. The object of the Association shall be:
To promote the exercise of residents' rights and the maintenance of their amenities and environment.
To represent the interests of freeholders, leaseholders and tenants within the local community and with the local authorities, the builders, management company and freeholders.
4. Membership will be open to all owners of properties and tenants in good standing at Providence Square, Springalls Wharf, Providence Tower and Saffron Wharf. A property may be represented by both its owner and its tenant.
5.It shall be a condition of membership that all members, at all times, conduct themselves in a courteous, appropriate and reasonable manner in all matters pertaining to the Association. Any member may be suspended from the Association and/or excluded from the Committee or from a meeting for breach of this condition, or for any other conduct contravening the objects of the Association. Reasons for suspension of exclusion shall include, inter alia, harassment, bullying, intimidation and aggressive behaviour.
6.All members shall pay such subscriptions per household as shall be determined by the Committee.
7. Any subscription or other monies raised by or on behalf of the Association shall only be applied in furtherance of the objects of the Association.
8. The business of the Association shall be conducted by a Committee which shall consist of a Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary and Communications Officer (the Officers) and not less than three other Committee Members who shall be elected from the paid-up members of the Association. No more than one Officer shall be elected from each household.
9. The election of Officers or Committee Members shall be carried out at the Annual General Meeting of the Association. Committee members shall be proposed and seconded, and elected by a majority of those present. The term of office shall be one year. Retiring Committee Members may offer themselves for re-election..
10. The Committee may temporarily fill any vacancy arising among the Officers of the Association from its other Committee Members, until the next Annual General Meeting of members. Up to five additional Committee Members may be co-opted during any year from the members of the Association; the term of such co-option to run until the next Annual General Meeting of members.
11. Any Committee member who fails to attend three consecutive meetings without prior apologies or without good reason shall cease to be a Committee member (other than in exceptional circumstances).
12. The Committee shall meet as necessary, but not less than four times per year. The quorum for Committee meetings shall be four members. The outcome of any vote shall be determined by a simple majority of those present, with the Chairperson having a casting vote in the event of a tie. Committee meetings shall be open to any member of the Association wishing to attend, who may speak but not vote.
13. The Committee shall call an Annual General Meeting of the Association each year in the month of April. Not less than twenty eight days notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be given to all members, and to all those eligible for membership, together with a form of application for membership.
14. At the Annual General Meeting:
The Committee shall present an Annual Report of the Association.
Any Sub Committees shall present an Annual Report and account of their activities.
The Committee shall present the audited accounts of the Association for the previous year.
The Officers, Committee and Auditor for the ensuing year shall be elected.
Any proposals submitted to the Secretary in writing not less than seven days in advance of the meeting shall be discussed.
All decisions shall be taken by a simple majority of full members present and voting (but only one vote will be allowed per paid-up membership).
15. The Secretary shall call a Special General Meeting at the request of a majority of the Committee, or on receipt of a written petition by not less than 10% of members of the Association that gives reasons for their request. The Secretary shall give not less than seven days notice of the holding of a Special General Meeting, which shall take place within twenty-one days of the receipt of the request or petition. Decisions will be taken on the same basis as at the Annual General Meeting.
16. The quorum for all General Meetings shall be one third of the membership or fifteen members whichever is the less.
17. Notice of all meetings shall be posted in the Main Entrance on the Association Notice Board, and shall be distributed to members. Such notices shall include the date, time and place of the meeting and an Agenda of matters to be discussed. Minutes of all meetings shall be distributed to members.
18. The Committee may appoint such sub-committees as may be required to carry out the activities of the Association. Such sub-committees shall be directly accountable to the Committee. The Committee shall, in advance, agree the terms of reference of any sub-committee, which may then act and apply any finance raised by itself, or on its behalf, only within those terms. The Chairperson and Treasurer of the Association shall be ex-officio members of any sub-committee.
19. Where any sub-committee is to continue in existence beyond the Annual General Meeting following its appointment, its members shall submit themselves for re-election at that meeting and annually thereafter.
20. All sub-committees shall keep proper accounts of income and expenditure and a proper record of all meetings and shall report on them or deliver them up as required by the Committee or any General Meeting.
21. The Committee or any General Meeting may dissolve any sub-committee, whereupon the accounts, records and assets, financial and otherwise, of the sub-committee shall pass into the hands of the Committee.
22. The CHAIRPERSON (or in his/her absence another Committee Member) shall conduct the meetings of the Association.
23. The TREASURER shall open and maintain a banking account in the name of the Association. All cheques shall be signed by the Treasurer and by a second Officer who is an authorised signatory. The Treasurer shall keep proper accounts of income and expenditure and report on them or deliver them up as required by the Committee or any General Meeting. Such accounts shall be audited annually by a person appointed by the membership at the Annual General Meeting.
24. The SECRETARY shall be responsible for the convening of all meetings and the giving of the prescribed notice to members. He/she shall ensure that a proper record is kept of all meetings of the Association, its Committee and sub-committees, in the form of minutes or notes, and shall distribute or display such records as appropriate.
25. The COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER shall be responsible for maintaining a register of members of the Association and ensuring that members are kept informed of the activities of the Committee, in accordance with paragraph 17 of the Constitution.
26. Any Committee Member(s) or Officer(s) delegated to represent the Association in consultation with any other body shall act on the instructions of the Association and shall report back to the following Committee or General Meeting, whichever is the sooner. Only full members of the Association shall be delegated to consult with the local authority.
27. Any proposals to alter the constitution must be submitted to the Secretary not less than twenty eight days before the meeting at which it is to be discussed. Not less that fourteen days notice shall be given of such a meeting, together with the wording of the proposed alteration(s). Any alteration shall require the approval of two thirds of those present and voting at the meeting.
28. If the Committee no longer exists, any 10% of members of the Association may decide that the Association should be dissolved. They shall give at least fourteen days notice to all those eligible for membership, of the meeting at which the matter shall be discussed. For the sole purpose of dissolution a quorum need not apply and the Association may be dissolved by a two-thirds majority of those present. The assets, financial and otherwise, remaining when the Association has satisfied its liabilities shall be applied for such purposes of benefit to the community as the meeting shall decide.